ProjectWise Explorer Help

To Check In a Checked Out Document from AutoCAD

Note: The steps below are only necessary if you have not enabled automatic check-in. For details, see Registry Strings for Enabling Simple or Automatic Check-in from AutoCAD.
  1. If you have made any changes to the document, first select File > Save to save your changes locally.
  2. Now close the open document as usual (File > Close or File > Exit).

    The Check In dialog opens.

  3. If a Comment tab exists on your Check In dialog, select it and type your comments in the Comments field. If you added comments on previous check ins, you can also select from a list containing your previously entered comments.

    Comments may be optional or required, depending on your configuration. If comments are required but you click Check In before adding comments, the Comment tab is forced to the front of the dialog and the Check In button is disabled until you add comments. If comments are optional, you will still see the Comment tab, but you will be able to click Check In without entering any comments.

  4. Click Check In.

    The document is closed and checked in.

Note: If you select File > Close or File > Exit before selecting File > Save, you will be prompted to save your changes locally first. If this happens, click Yes to save your changes locally. You must click Yes if you want your changes to make it to ProjectWise. If you click No, your changes will not be saved locally, however you will still be prompted to check in the checked out document. If you click No and then click Check In on the Check In dialog, it will be the same as if you had saved your changes locally but then selected to Free the document.
Note: If you close the open ProjectWise document but do not exit AutoCAD, you may notice that AutoCAD is no longer integrated with ProjectWise. To reintegrate AutoCAD with ProjectWise, you can close and reopen AutoCAD from the desktop, or open another AutoCAD document from ProjectWise Explorer.